This is a list of tags for the Print User Program. With Transcendence you can personalize any text file, menu file, or many other "textual" fields with variable tags. A variable tag is a "tag" that represents a field of information. When Transcendence is displaying text it looks for variable tags, and if it finds them they will be replaced with the information you want there. A basic example would be: "Hello {2}, welcome to the BBS." The {2} is a variable tag. The user would not see the {2} tag, instead they would see: "Hello Joe Blow, welcome to the BBS." There are over 100 variables you can use to "personalize" you BBS. You can have variable tags that display the users name, the current time, the name of the message base the user is in, or most anything you will ever need. But that is not all you can do with them. You can also have variable tags that are formatted to a certian length. (For a good example see the text file "PARMEDIT.TXT") These are called "Pre-Formatted" variable tags. Any variable tag can be a preformatted tag. A preformatted variable tag does the same thing as a normal tag, but it will "pad" the string with space-characters to make it the same length each time. For example: "Hello {2p10}, welcome to the BBS." This would print the users handle, and the string would ALWAYS be 10 characters long. The User would see: "Hello Joe Blow , welcome to the BBS." If the users handle was "Jack" they would see: "Hell Jack , welcome to the BBS." If the users handle were to exceed 10 characters, it would be cut off at the tenth character. (ie. "David Johnson" would be "David John"). The preformatted tags are not very useful in the above examples, but their use will be learned when you are attemping to format text files so they appear formatted for each user. The follow is a list of the variable tags available to you in the Print User program. Remember to enclose the tags with {}. Tag|Describtion... ---+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |Clear Screen Code (Clears the screen for using the current clear code.) 2 |Handle 3 |Name 4 |Password 5 |Address 6 |City 7 |Zip Code 8 |Phone Number #1 9 |Computer Type 10 |Age (Calculated from the users birthday) 11 |Country 12 |Birthday 14 |Video Width 15 |Video Height 16 |Email Messages Sent 17 |User Number 18 |Number of downloads 19 |Number of uploads 20 |UL:DL Ratio 21 |Time Limit Per Day 22 |Time limit per call 24 |Last Call Date 25 |First Call Date 26 |Number of calls (That the user has made) 27 |Todays date (xx/xx/xx format) 29 |Command Table Level 37 |Current Time (Military) 45 |File Area Level 46 |Users Sex 47 |Prompt to make user press return (ie "Press [Return]") 49 |Daily Call Limit 51 |Downloads per call 52 |Uploads per call 53 |Downloads per day 54 |Uploads per day 55 |Downloads today 56 |Uploads today 57 |Calls Made today 58 |State 81 |Alert Status (Normal, or Alert!) 82 |Max. Email Per day 83 |Max. Messages Per Day 84 |Max. Feedback per day 85 |Max. pages per call 86 |Online Game Level 87 |Menu Processor Level 88 |Download Points 89 |Number of "Hangups" 90 |Date of last file listing 97 |Users second phone number 98 |Access Level 5 Below is some additions that only apply to the Print User program. 400|Causes a Form Feed to be sent to printer. Will also insert it into |the text file if sending output to a file. 401|Causes a blank line to be inserted. Due to what some of the extra tags |do, I had to insert this. 402|Numbering Header for Message Bases/File Areas 1-64. This will cause the |numbers 1-64 to appear. Use in conjunction with 408 & 409. 403|Same as above except for 65-128 404|Same as above except for 129-192 405|Same as above except for 193-256 406|This will display the settings for the Message Bases. This is what |shows you whether or not the user has access to that area. It is |dependant on what header you choose. 407|Same as above except for File Areas. 408|Displays the User's Privledges 409|Displays the User's Restrictions 410|Causes a 'More (y/n)?' prompt to appear when displaying the file. This |just gives the option to abort displaying the rest of the file so |that you don't have to sit there and watch all the extra stuff be |displayed when you don't need that info. You HAVE to answer with a |'n' or 'N' in order for it to bypass the rest of the text. Any other |key will continue the printout. Just to give an example: Message Bases {401} <-- Blank Line {402} <-- Header 1-64 {406} <-- Message Bases access indication {400} <-- Form Feed Character. Printing to Printer or Disk. Will display the following for the Message Bases (Example Only): Message Bases 1111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Enter yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Read yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Post yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Delete yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Edit yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Hurl yyyyyyyyyy...................................................... Sysop yyyyyyyyyy......................................................
As shown above (the words 'Message Bases'), you can also type in regular text into the text file. Anything that is displayable or printable will show up. I have even inserted VT-52 commands and printer codes into the file. Be careful when you do this though. Some printer commands may be similiar to VT-52 or other codes and vice versa.